La galleria Lodge

La galleria Lodge



The website is owned by LA GALLERIA LODGE of ENRICO FERMI with registered office in Parma, Galleria Bassa dei Magnani, 3 – VAT number 02962670341, registration number REA PR-354255.

The user/visitor's decision to use this site implies in any case the full acceptance of this agreement without any exceptions.


The website is intended for exclusive personal and non-commercial use.

Accessing the pages of the website implies the user's acceptance of the following terms of use, which may be modified at any time and without prior notice by La Galleria Lodge di Fermi Enrico, the website owner, at its sole discretion.

Information, data, descriptions, illustrations, images, and content on the website are purely indicative and subject to change without notice. They have no contractual, negotiable, or guarantee value and do not imply any manifestation or declaration of will on the part of La Galleria Lodge, its consultants, or suppliers. All rights reserved to La Galleria Lodge di Fermi Enrico.


The contents of this website, including but not limited to: the trademark, texts, interior images of location, graphic elements, and related HTML codes are considered the exclusive property of and may not be reproduced, either wholly or partially, or replicated on other websites, print magazines, mailing lists, newsletters, or elsewhere without the prior written authorization of the owner of the website, regardless of the purpose.

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Reproduction of materials contained within the website, by any analog or digital means, is not permitted without the written consent of La Galleria Lodge. Copying and/or printing for strictly personal and non-commercial and informational use is permitted. Any other use is expressly prohibited.

Some information and images collected here are, to the best of our knowledge, in the public domain. If, unintentionally, material subject to copyright or in violation of the law has been published, please inform us via the contact details on the site in order to ensure its immediate removal.


La Galleria Lodge assumes no responsibility for any malfunctions of its website

While every reasonable effort is made to analyse, process, and update the contents published on the website with the utmost accuracy, errors or inaccuracies may occur. Therefore, La Galleria Lodge disclaims any responsibility for the presence of the aforementioned errors or inaccuracies.

La Galleria Lodge is not responsible for the content published on its website, third-party use of it, or any issues arising from accessing, interconnecting, or copying material from the website. La Galleria Lodge shall not be liable in any way for any direct or indirect damages, malfunctions, losses, and/or prejudices of any kind suffered by third parties due to contact with the website, or due to the use of the materials published therein and the software currently and in the future used.

The website may contain links to other websites (e.g., to enable room booking).

Although the website and/or its operators check external links, they cannot be held responsible for the content of linked websites, including without limitation any links contained therein, or any modifications or updates to a linked website.

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The inclusion of links does not imply any recognition by the website or any association with the operators of the linked websites.

Links to the website are only allowed through "surface linking" and with the express written consent of La Galleria Lodge.

La Galleria Lodge is not responsible for any reviews published by customers in the appropriate spaces. Offensive or damaging comments to one's own or third-party image or honour, spam, defamatory, racist comments, or those containing personal data not compliant with Privacy regulations are strictly prohibited and will be deleted. In case a visitor/user deems a comment offensive, they can contact the administrator through the website's contact page.

Quotations for informational or review purposes are allowed provided they are accompanied by a reference to the source


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The user/visitor declares not to use the website to commit actions and/or acts illegal under national and international regulations

It is specifically forbidden to use the website to damage, disable, overload, or endanger the website itself or the hosting server, as well as to interfere with the use and enjoyment of the website by third parties

The attempted acquisition by the user/visitor of the website of any material or information that is not intentionally made available through the services offered by the website constitutes a violation of this agreement.

The website is not a journalistic publication, does not have a periodic nature, and is updated solely based on the needs related to the activities of La Galleria Lodge. Therefore, it cannot be considered an editorial product under Law no. 62 of March 7, 2001.


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For any disputes regarding access to and/or use of the website, related to the use of materials possibly sent to the same address through forms, email, other commonly used tools, such as but not limited to messaging systems, or for any other reason between the user and the website owner or other parties involved in the creation and management of the website, the user accepts the jurisdiction of the Italian State and the application of Italian law in force at the time of the dispute, regardless of their domicile or headquarters.


Company name: La Galleria Lodge di Fermi Enrico

Registered office address: Galleria Bassa dei Magnani, 3 – 43121 Parma (Italy)

VAT number: IT02962670341 - REA: PR-354255

PEC: Certified email address:


© Copyright 2024 La Galleria Lodge - All rights reserved.